Always very happy to visit the Seminary, to see the future tetu priests of the diocese, to be with you during the feast of Our Lady of Confidence. Let us go forward with it, which helps us and accompanies us, truly gives assurance that we are supported by divine grace!
Now let's see what we st. Paul says the following: "You tetu were called to freedom," Freedom has always been the dream of the majority of mankind - from the beginning, but especially in the modern era. We know that Luther, inspired by the book of Galatians text, concluded that the religious Rule, the hierarchy of the Magisterium is the yoke of slavery, from which one must escape. Subsequent Enlightenment time was just imbued with desire for freedom and felt it finally reached. But Marxism and presented itself as a path to freedom.
Today, we ask: What is freedom? How can we be free? To understand the complex reality of freedom helps us St. Paul, the concept of providing fundamental insights into the anthropological and theological context. He says: "Only for this freedom as the body, but try to avoid each other with love to serve." Rector has already said that the "body" is not just the physical body, but rather the "body" of St.. Paul's usage, refers to the "I" unreservedly, to the "I" who wants to be all things to pick up for yourself. Since no independent absolute "I" finally seems to really have the freedom. I am free when nothing depends on when I can do all things įsigeidžiu. It is this "I" tetu is taken as an absolute and "body." So it is a human humiliation, rather than the acquisition of freedom; libertinizmas tetu is not freedom, but rather freedom tetu of collapse.
Paul also provides a bold paradox: tetu "Serve (gr. douleuete) tetu to each other with love." It means that freedom paradoxically implemented in the service, we become free when we serve each other. Yes Paul, the problem of freedom moves the truth about the man in context. If the body is limited, and bringing yourself to a deity level, this approach leads to a lie. After all, man is not absolute, as if "I" could isolate themselves from everything and act only according to your wishes. tetu This is contrary to be true. The truth is that we are first of all God's creations, and live in relationship with the Creator. We are in the relationship-oriented entities. And just recognizing your Conditionality, we enter into the truth, otherwise fall into a lie, and it eventually destroys itself.
We are creatures, then, belong to the Creator. Enlightenment period, in particular atheism is the time dependence of which is necessary to break free. However, tetu it would be a fatal addiction only if the Creator God is a tyrant, Being wrong, if it were so, as human tyrants. However, if the Creator loves us, and our dependence implies the presence of his love of space, this dependence is precisely the freedom. In this way, we love the Creator, we are united with him, the whole of reality, the whole power. So the first point here is this: to be loved means to be a creature of the Creator, to be associated with it a love connection, which he gives us, and which we run behind forward. In particular, based on our right, which is at the same time the vocation to love.
So, to see God, the direction of God, to know God, to know God's will, to join his will, that to love means more and more to enter into the space of the truth. And the knowledge of God, love relationship with God is an extraordinary way of our Christian life adventure because we know the face of God in Christ - the face of God, who loves us to the cross, and self-giving.
However kūriniškasis Conditionality is inseparable from another type of relationship: we are connected to God, but as a human race are concerned, and with each other. In other words: human freedom, on the one hand, is to be a God of love and joy a wide area, but on the other hand, implies tetu unity with others tetu and the presence of others. There is no freedom of the other. tetu If one has made himself, becomes an enemy of freedom. Then, we can no longer live together, and the whole life becomes cruel fail. Only total freedom is human freedom, just being together, we can enter into the freedom symphony.
Therefore, another important point: when I make another, accept the limits that my own freedom draws respect for each other the freedom to get involved in the dependency network, finally, which prevents us one family - only when I am on the road to total liberation. tetu
Here emerges a very important question: what is the liberty of sharing with another measure? We see the man that he is able to exercise their freedom, total freedom, it is necessary tetu to order and law. And how to find the correct order, where no one would be oppressed, but everyone can contribute to the emergence of freedom? If there is no common human truth, which opens the eyes of God, can positivism, and then formed
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