Friday, May 2, 2014

n 10:16 Paul again uses an OT prophetic statements, which originally related to YHWH

v recalcitrant stubbornness, the 10:4
10:1 n - "I wish with all my heart, and I beg them to God to be saved," Paul believed that Jews megtérhetnek and prayers said for them to count. This predestination surprising counterpoint!
n 10:2-3 "but not under the proper knowledge. The truth of God does not recognized "- epiginōskō - (1) The Jews did not understand the gospel free of charge (the term 'know / recognize" pill identifier the Greek sense); or (2) the Jews had no faith relationship with God (the phrase "to know / recognize" the Hebrew sense, cf 1Mózes 4:1.. Jer 1:5). The Jews ignored the need to respond to God tettére (verses 16,18,19), but the faith in the power of human replaced, which is pride, arrogance pill identifier and extravagance led (verse 3a)!
10:3 n "righteousness of God" in the Old Testament stressed obedience to the law (cf. 4:28-6:3 5Móz. 24-25, 17). However, what I did not realize it was a necessary balance pill identifier that must be between the belief and repentance (cf. 5:29-30 pill identifier 5Móz. 6:5). The 5Móz clearly affirms that God has done for Israel, not because of their truth, but according to His character (cf. 9:6,7,13,24,27; 10:12-22; This 36:22-38). Even semmizték out the Canaanites because Israel is not the truth, but because of their sins (cf. 9:4-6; 1Móz 15:16).
v "has not been subject themselves to the righteousness of God," The Jews tried to earn God's righteousness, which in turn was a gift (cf. 3:24, 5:15, 6:23,. Eph. 2:8-9). Paul saw the truth clearly enough pill identifier on the road to Damascus.
10:4 n "because the final goal of the law of Christ" pill identifier - See Matthew 5:17-48. The law's intention, purpose and end (telos) was not salvation, but of persuasion, and that goal continues (cf. Gal. 3:24-25).
n Salvation is not a product but a relationship. The only faith begins. No one on security, fire damage, not a ticket to heaven, but a way of life, which is increasing likeness to Christ.
v "with the righteousness of faith says," Paul has been impersonating the "sin" and "grace," and now the "righteousness by faith" personified.
10:9 n "if", "shoulder", "Jesus is Lord" - this was the early church creeds and theological pill identifier content of baptism liturgy. The use of the term "Lord" affirmed the divinity of Jesus (cf. Joel 3:5 [KJV: 2:32],. 2:32-33,36 Acts, Philippians 2:6-11), and the name of Jesus, pill identifier confirmed by historical human existence (cf. 1 Jn 4:1-6). pill identifier
v "believe in your heart" - a "faith" (pistis) pill identifier (1) personal trust (Hebrew), (2) intellectual content pill identifier (Greek) and (3) a continuous voluntary devotion (cf. 5Móz 30:20).
v "whoever believes in Him" - Faith is not just an initial response, pill identifier but also a continuing requirement for salvation! It is not just one correct theology, pill identifier which will save (gospel truth), but a personal relationship (personal gospel), resulting in a godly life (Gospel of life). Beware of the light from the faith, which are separated from each other the truth and the life. Eternal life has observable traits!
v "not ashamed" - those who trust ("believe") in Christ, they will not turn away. It Isa. 28:16 of the quote, which was a key verse in Paul's speech in 9:33.
n 10:14-15 - God sends messengers (prophets, apostles, preachers, teachers, pill identifier evangelists). These are the blessings of God's messengers to the world's pill identifier needy. While God graciously sends messengers of the Gospel, the message of their audience pill identifier to react in the right way.
v Several elements of the faith is the savior (1) a message that you have to believe in; (2) a person who is to be adopted; (3) an initial and continuing repentant and faith-filled response; (4) an obedient life; and (5) persistence.
n 10:16 Paul again uses an OT prophetic statements, which originally related to YHWH's comment on Israel to refer to the gospel pill identifier of Jesus the Messiah. As the OT Jews rejected the message of God, the Jews of his time, Paul has also rejected it. It Isa. 53:1 of the quote, but theologically Isa 6:9-13 is associated pill identifier with Israel rejected God's message.
n This statement of Septuagintából 10:21, Isa. 65:2 of the quote from that was that the people rejected the covenant YHWH (cf. Isa. 65:1-7). God has been faithful; Israel was unfaithful. Their unbelief led interim judgment of their people.
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"The Sixties" 1-9 1 John 1:3-7 1 Kings 13:1-10. 33-34. 1 Kings 13:11-32 1 Kings 1:5-10. 24-35. 1 Kings 2:1-12 1 Kings 3:11 1 Kings 3:1-15 (2 Chronicles 1:11-12) 1 Kings 7:1-15. pill identifier 21-26. 1 Kings 8:1-15. pill identifier 25-30. 1 Kings 8:31-43. 54-61. 1 Kings 9:1

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