Constitutional oath Institute is made meaningless | Another alternative opinion
It is symbolic of the Constitution on the eve of the Seimas voted for the amendments to the Constitution, the contents of which virtually eliminates the constitutional oath of meaning. Proposed to be added to Article 74, second paragraph:
"For the serious violation of the Constitution or the oath impeachment proceedings removed from office or a family member have lost the mandate of a person may be elected or appointed to office by taking up only after administration of the oath to the Constitution, the disappearance of the Constitutional Law on the restrictions."
Correctional his cynicism shows the contents of the current ruling majority true face. Rate of linguistic-logical structure justice is formed so that it is not just about the parliament can not be collected by the person (family member justice lost his mandate), but also to any other duties, justice which have been given the constitutional oath. This is done quite deliberately, in order to prevent the rate of target justice interpretation of the Constitutional Court that it only addresses the European Court of Human Rights ruling denying him Lithuania. Distinguished other obligations in that the adoption of this amendment Roland Paksas to stand for president, what he has expressly declared justice after the vote on the amendment in parliament. It just shows that the ruling coalition justice is the common denominator of its members' personal ambitions. If one of the leaders of the other partners hostage because of their criminal case, then the other revanšistas desire justice to once again become president.
Where to find themselves in this place Constitution? On some kind of idealistic philosophical ramblings about the Constitution as a value can not be part of any language. justice The Constitution justice just became personal ambitions debugging tool that can bend in your favor as you desire. And all of the ruling majority tend užlankstyti it so that Mr. Roland Paksas satisfied and the ruling majority remains steady living side. Even if the result would be that the constitutional oath meaningless, and, to a, and it can be broken, and then again from the oath. The logical reasoning of the Constitutional Court, why not take the oath a second time with this fix goes to hell:
"A person who has been elected President of the Republic, gave the oath of the President to the Nation, and then it broke, and thus grossly violated the Constitution and for the impeachment proceedings households - the representation of the Nation was removed from office, according to the Constitution again to swear to the Nation, as it always and would not perish reasonable justice doubt about his re-administered the oath of certainty and reliability, and thus as to whether the person who takes the oath President justice of the Republic will really perform as well as their obligation to carry out the oath to the Nation whether this person again will not break the oath of the nation, in other words, or that person again, given under oath Nation will not be fictitious. "
Any offers, ostensibly to strengthen the imagination, that the oath would not be broken for the second time, by requiring that the person has previously publicly apologize to the nation does not make any sense. I could not take hypocritical apology from the person who broke the constitutional oath, just to make it back to be elected president.
Makabriškumas same situation occurs in the fact that in this case, supposedly protected by R. Paksas violation of human rights, but they themselves do not avoid publicly justice declare not respect other people's rights (such as rights of homosexuals, foreigners the right to private property, and so on). We have a situation where antidemokratas using defective democracy.
This situation is also observed that the preparation of the amendment to Article 56 of the Constitution Project and it starts working the Legal Committee of the Parliament, has been received and Vilnius University Law Faculty and Michael Romeris University Faculty of Law, comments justice and suggestions, which were motivated explanation of the amendments on the impropriety of the alternatives:
"The proposed new Article justice 56, paragraphs 3 and 4 are deceptively ignores the Constitution, Article 78 paragraph 1" of the Republic justice may be elected justice President of the Republic of Lithuania justice citizen by birth if he is up to election day, has reached the age of at least forty years, and if he can be elected as a member of the Seimas "Clause" if he can be elected a member of Parliament. " Motivating themselves to this project covered only person to be elected member of family relationships, and the mention of the Constitution, the prohibitions apply perjurer hold another office, which takes up the Constitution must be given under oath - President of the Republic, the Government member of the judge or the State Controller (see Explanatory Note) gudraujama awkwardly. In fact, it tries to validate the possibility of deceiving the Constitution perjurer to become justice a candidate for the Republic Prez