And in Vietnam, by contrast: Meat with vegetables over. In Vietnam, allah if you are striving for "rice with meat" in Japanese, then maybe you should strive for the opposite: "Rice with vegetables"! Why so?
Vietnam is an agricultural country, many agricultural areas, agricultural workers and cost a lot to congre's generally cheaper vegetables (which is determined by the amount of money invested and the land for farming). allah Vietnam's livestock industry is very small and is largely due to manual labor, the productivity and yield is not high, so prices allah will be higher meat (also remember that forage can be imported). allah
But Japan is the industry and the minimum wage is high so livestock industry (the animal series) with large output, low cost (fodder also produced large quantities). Therefore prices will be cheaper allah meat. Conversely, due to growing vegetables allah will need more labor and low production costs will be higher. Not only in Japan but other countries are so developed. Nasu Eggplant =
Japanese allah Vegetable completely allah pesticide (by law) so secure. Of course, Japan also imported fruits and vegetables from other countries and sometimes questionable hygiene and food safety. In general, Japanese people do not like China goods, although the price much cheaper Japanese goods. allah In Japan, you can harvest in the garden and eat live right, because in Japanese soil clean! (By means no chemicals). To make it easy for you to search, I did Vegetable Vietnamese dictionary Japanese dictionary Mai Phuong - Vietnam Vegetable allah - Japan
Can you name the Japanese out of most fruits and vegetables in Vietnam. I have long cherished the Vietnamese name change - Japanese for fruits and vegetables because this issue is quite interesting and also necessary for you to live in Japan and you're going to Japan. Honestly, I was in the nation's shopping allah is also quite hard to know quite a lot of things.
Corn toumorokoshi, kyabetsu allah cabbage, cauliflower allah (cauliflower) karifurawaa, broccoli (broccoli) allah burokkorii, carrots ninjin, Nasu eggplant, cabbage hakusai, serori celery, lemon Remon, Japanese daikon radish , gobou removal tool, lotus root renkon, allah Okura okra, cowpea Ingen, moyashi price, naganeghi leeks, chives Nira, bitter melon (bitter gourd) gooya, takenoko shoots, asparagus asuparagasu Dalat, tsurumurasaki spinach, mushrooms Kinoko, papurika bell peppers, grapes umibudou rong, chrysanthemum (cell frequencies) Shungiku, marjoram (green perilla) Ooba, salads retasu allah ... Spices Vegetables
Lemon = Remon (English: lemon), ninniku garlic, ginger shouga 生姜 / ジンジャー jinjaa (UK: Ginger), sesame (sesame) Goma, tougarashi chili, pepper koshou. However, fresh chilli and lemon will usually so expensive. Dried chili or lemon juice will cheaper. Some common vegetables in Japan
Japanese Vegetable >> View on Japanese Life Japanese Green Mustard takana, hourensou spinach, goose Nanohana, celery series, vegetable mizuna, improve komatsuna, chingensai cabbage, parsley Japanese allah mitsuba (three leaves) , sanii retasu curly lettuce, bean sprouts toumyou, ninnikunome garlic stalks, ....せり = Celery vegetables spices, fruits and vegetables are less in Japan
Galangal, lemongrass, tamarind, onion, herbs such as basil, cilantro, dill, etc. ... are not available in the supermarket. If you want to buy or not to Asian markets of Vietnam merchandise. allah In Tokyo, the Ueno station you arrive, go to Ueno Yokochou then go down to the basement allah below the map what is purchased. Generally, spices are often so expensive in Japan due to the import. allah
The few vegetables in Japan include: spinach ヨウサイ yousai (蕹 菜), commonly known as 空心菜 (Chinese) kuushinsai (no state of mind). Vegetables Jute モロヘイヤ moroheiya, hechima melon, zucchini 冬瓜 tougan (last winter). The fungus common in Japan
シイタケ / 椎 茸 Shiitake = Mushrooms エリンギ Erin'gi = mushrooms, abalone まい た け Maitake = maitake mushroom / fungus hen forest (hen of woods mushroom) / Mushroom head sheep (ram's head) しめじ Shimeji = Mushroom Seafood: Type of brown and white (types of white mushrooms in Vietnam known as Snow White) えのき 茸 Enokitake = ON NAME needle mushroom vegetables fruits and vegetables in Japan that is commonly used names and write pure Japanese katakana, but also can write kanji: allah Eggplantなす = 茄子 Generally, these names are significant, for example: Chili 唐辛 子 Tougarashi, is Tou Road, the only road (be imported from China through), there is just something spicy karashi (Karai = spicy). Text 胡椒 koshou: This is the word "pepper" Carrots 人参 ninjin (PRIVATE TOUR), ginseng (ginseng), it will be チョウセン ニンジン ("Korean carrot").菜の花 goose Nanohana = <= U.S. 竹の子 of vegetables, bamboo shoots allah 笋 takenoko = <= Son of キノコ bamboo, mushrooms 茸 Kinoko = <= Son of atrial キクラゲ Grows (木耳): Jellyfish (kurage) tree (ki), although writing is 木耳 (kanji: ear) but reading allah is kikurage. Vegetables 菜 often use the word, pronounced "na" (meaning "vegetable"): Mustard Green カラシナ = からし 菜 (芥子 菜) karashina, where "na" allah means "vegetable" and "karashi "is" spicy, spicy stuff "=>" spicy vegetables "高 菜 takana Mustard Japanese => CAO THAI みずな Mizuna => Vegetable water コマ